Shark Fishing Point Pleasant NJ
Sharks that are most commonly caught charter fishing in New Jersey waters are Makos, Threshers, Blue shark, Hammerheads, Duskys, Brown sharks, and an occasional Great White. They can be caught from May through October.
Mako shark fishing is one of our favorites in New Jersey. The Blue Chip has boated brutes of 541#, #475, 474#, 361#, 341#, 326# and 306#, and we also have some great stories of some that did not get boated.
Shark fishing is extremely popular in Point Pleasant, N.J, and, at the top of everyone’s list is the Mako shark, followed by the thresher. They are both true game fish and excellent table fare. (nicknamed Jersey Swordfish for their steak texture)
Sharks are caught by setting up a chum slick in a specific offshore area picked by the capt. and drift fishing. As the chum dissipates, the sharks pick up the scent and detect our baits.
That’s when the fun starts.. What a thrill when a big Mako takes your bait, jumps completely out of the water, and lands with a giant splash.
When sharks start schooling up in our chum slick, you never know what species will show up. Bluefish,(great bait !) Dolphin and Tuna can also respond to our chum slick, occasionally all at the same time.
Makos and threshers have really made a considerable showing in the past few seasons, most tournaments in New Jersey shark fishing, allow only makos and threshers to win prizes.
See our Press Articles” and “Pictures” link on this web site. The Blue Chip crew has won or placed in numerous shark tournaments over the years,winning considerable amounts of money for our clients.
After a comfortable cruise to the shark fishing grounds, the Blue Chip fishing charter boat will put you on the sharks and you do the rest! We usually use stand up gear for sharks, but if you want to get into our fighting chair, that’s ok too. If you really want to get involved in the gaffing and tail roping – let us know.
Returning to the dock,the fun starts over again. We will hoist the shark up on a scale, take some pictures, and cut up some of the finest steaks you will ever eat. |